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What are you doing with your data?

Data is prolific. Not all of it is meaningful or easily understandable. How do you make data work for you and your business? By turning white noise into actionable intelligence. Whether your goal is to attract more customers, sell more products, educate more consumers, keep your team members engaged, raise awareness for your cause, or just understand who visits your website, we offer services such as data strategy, visualization and analysis. If you are looking to predict what will happen next, such as who will purchase my product in the future, we can also help with our data science offerings.

Whether your target conversions are increasing visitor count, newsletter subscriptions, contact form submissions, purchases through your e-commerce site, hits through organic search, engagement through social media, or general public awareness, we use data from a variety of sources, expert strategy, and analytical processes and tools to deliver quantifiable results.

Our services are designed to help you become a data-driven, and predictive, organization:

Data Strategy

Let's work together to collect the right data in the right way for easier reporting and analysis. We'll help identify what type of data you have access to, in what format, what can you do with it, and identify a long-term plan to leverage your data for intelligent, real-time decision-making.

Data Visualization & Reporting

Make sense of your data quickly through visualization. Rows and rows of static data become interactive real-time charts, graphs, maps, or customized reports for any end user.

Statistical Analysis

Understand critical factors, trends and relationships affecting your business and how to effectively pivot in order to achieve your business goals.

Predictive Analytics

Looking to learn what will happen in your business? We can work with you on building custom machine learning models to help you forecast and predict your business.

Web Analytics, SEO/SEM & Insights

Provides your people the data that they need to know how they are performing on their goals and the key indicators that drive your business. Brings you our expert opinions on how to improve your existing analytics implementation, data management, and ability to derive insights. Increases awareness and convenience by bringing your website, online tools, or other web presence to the top of search results. Drives qualified traffic and conversions through targeted advertisements based on the search requests that people make.

A/B and Optimization Testing

Makes your website, mobile application, or other user interface more efficient and effective by giving visitors multiple versions of pages, content, and layout, and measuring what gets the most response.

Ready to use data to improve your business? Contact us.

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