For the past couple of years at Sandstorm Design, we have received a countless number of phone calls, email requests, and snail mail resumes from graphic design students interested in learning more information about a career in graphic design, looking for a design job, internship or freelance assignment.

It wasn't, and still isn't, possible for us to answer every email, return every phone call, or reply to every letter. (If we did, we wouldn't have time to actually finish our own graphic design work!) But we wanted to help and encourage newbie designers to get into the design field and enjoy what we consider the ultimate career choice, graphic design.

I hope the SSC gives you some insight into the real world of graphic design, provides you with some information for that research paper, and helps prepare you for your own incredible career as a graphic designer.

Sandy Marsico, Principal
Sandstorm Design, Inc.

Sandy Marsico a light skinned female with blonde shoulder length hair wearing a teal top smiling at the camera
Sandy Marsico
Founder & CEO

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