Sandstorm Design is starting the year off with a bang by being featured in the business section of today's Chicago Tribune. The article, "Small Businesses See Good Omens for 2010," talks to small business owners anticipating new opportunities and significant growth in the coming year.

"I can almost guarantee I'll have more staff," Principal, Sandy Marsico, says regarding her recent workplace expansion. Last year, despite the economic situation, Sandstorm Design was able to expand both its team and its space.

The new space features a full-fledged kitchen, a windowed room aptly referred to as "the fishbowl", a bright "sandstorm-ing" room to generate creative ideas, and a more closed off nook for Sandstorm's management team.

As for Sandy's 2010 outlook, she maintains, "I'm optimistic….we haven't been this busy since 2007." 

Sandy Marsico a light skinned female with blonde shoulder length hair wearing a teal top smiling at the camera
Sandy Marsico
Founder & CEO

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