The benefits of video marketing are stacking up. If you've put video creation on the back burner, consider these five benefits that can increase your web presence and up your conversions.

1. Make the complex...less complex

If a picture says a thousand words, imagine what a video has to say. If you're in the business of complex technology or seemingly “dry” services, video can add the pizazz you need to explain or engage potential clients. How can you convert a lead who doesn't understand your business? Video is your chance to do a little “show and tell”. For National Association of REALTORS® Global, Sandstorm created this custom motion graphic to explain to REALTORS® the opportunities available when selling to global real estate buyers. By use of visual representation, it becomes more meaningful; it's now more than just statistical information.

[TIP] Make sure your video is in the right format. Animation is great for explaining complex ideas and processes. Live video encourages a human connection and lets you showcase your company culture.

2. Easy to like, easy to share

Here’s a crazy stat: Each minute, over 700 YouTube videos are shared to Twitter. One could say the idea of sharing is embedded in all of us. And this idea of garnering views isn't just for B2C either, consider the B2B video made by Corning explaining the myriad uses for their glass technology. Right now, it has over 20 million views! They've successfully taken content about glass manufacturing and made it shareable. What content do you have right now that's missing its opportunity to be shared?

[TIP] Don't take the “user” out of user experience. In order to get your video shared, make sure:

  • the content is relevant to your audience
  • it’s placed on the right page in your site
  • and uploaded throughout your social media channels.

3. There's always a link back home

After sharing your video, expect it to travel the web. Just be sure to equip it with plenty of links to drive viewers back to your site. Think of it as a traveling salesman who never runs out of business cards. When hosting on YouTube, add a link in the description and make sure your URL is at the end of the video. YouTube also lets you create floating links that direct viewers back to your YouTube channel or to subscribe. Consider using these to increase viewership of all your videos.

[TIP] Take advantage of YouTube Analytics to monitor and track video viewership.

4. Improves visibility in search engines

Search engines rank quality web sites higher. So what is considered "quality"? Video and other media content, low bounce rates and longer times on pages are all contributing factors. Living Direct Inc found that, "Consumers...spend 9% more time on a page when video is present." Having engaging video can improve your SEO by enriching the type of content on your site and ultimately keeping viewers on your site longer.

[TIP] Optimize your videos by incorporating keywords (title tag, description, etc). Also, consider adding subtitles (on YouTube) as they can help up your SEO.

5. Video is Memorable

Picture this scenario:

A prospective client (let's call him Mike—there are 3 Mikes working here!) is shopping around for services you offer. After looking at fifteen different companies, the information begins to blur together. Then, as Mike is explaining his favorite to the team, he finds himself explaining the services using what he learned in your video. You’ve not only planted yourself in Mike's memory, you've helped him make it easier to get the approval he needs to purchase. (Plus, sharing YouTube videos makes him look cool.)

It has been proven that viewers retain more information when visuals are implemented. Consider this as a tool to not only stand apart from competition, but also to be remembered at the end of the day. This video from Eloqua explains the future of revenue with voiceover and animation. It has all the right tools for success, and reaps the benefits accordingly:

[TIP] Empathy, story, and humor are three essential tools for creating memorable video, says Author Kevin Daum. Be sure to weave these elements into your video whenever appropriate.

Has you seen any of these benefits? Share your video in the comments!

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