As 2015 draws to a close, Sandstormers are busy wrapping up our New Year’s resolutions before the clock strikes midnight. Help us celebrate the completion of each goal with these fun GIFs!

Be sure to check back each day until 2016!

Resolution: Save Money

Megan is counting her pennies as 2015 winds down. Looks like somebody is ready for a vacation!


Resolution: Take Fewer Ubers

Adam is determined to spend less time in Ubers in 2016 and more time on his feet!


Resolution: Finish a scarf

Just as the snow begins falling again in Chicago, Alicia is finally getting around to finishing that scarf she started back in 2007. Better late than never!


Resolution: Exercise more

It is everyone's perennial resolution - as soon as January 1 rolls around, those gym memberships start flying in. Unfortunately most of us fall off the bandwagon by February. This year Lisa has been creative in getting her lift in wherever she can. 


Resolution: Learn Spanish

Executive Creative Director Janna is putting in some last-minute study hours to try and perfect her Spanish before the clock strikes medianoche!


Resolution: Relax more

Developer Jeff can always be found hard at work building a jazzy website for our clients. So now he is trying to get in some last minute rest time before the new year.


Resolution: Unsubscribe from email lists

Our Art Director Nathan had too many emails flooding his inbox. So this year he made the choice to finally get around to unsubscribing from all the lists he was no longer interested in. Of course, we were there to help him celebrate his accomplishment!

A gif of a person unsubscribing from an email list


Resolution: Read all the books Laura has recommended

Laura Luckman Kelber, our Chief Strategy Officer, is a voracious reader. Luckily, she always lets us know when a particularly good book crosses her path. This year, Kellye devoted herself to tackling the “Laura-Recommended Reading List!”



Reilly Willson

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