There has been a lot of talk around our the Sandstorm Design office about possible “days.” Accent day, musical day, Spanish day (Día de Español), wacky socks day, potluck day. But pajama day is the one that really got our staff excited. So we brought this office talk into fruition and deemed the day after the holiday party Pajama Day. It was already a half-day workday (one of our cool holiday gifts was that the office didn't open until 1:00 PM the day after the holiday party), so coming to work in our pajamas was only appropriate.

It turns out, sleeping in and wearing pajamas is good for business. We were on top of our to-do lists, our brainstorming sessions left the whiteboard overflowing with ideas, and the overall office vibe was relaxed, comfy, and productive. What? Holiday stress? Not at Sandstorm Design.

Karen Boehl

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