I really enjoyed attending .orgCommunity’s Disruption + Innovation conference this month! The .orgCommunity is an amazing resource for senior executives to lead their associations through innovation, and the event certainly delivered on that mission. Speakers and facilitators from across a wide variety of industries shared their insights on redefining digital publishing, generating new streams of revenue, and much more. These were my biggest takeaways:

  • Adopt a disruption mindset. Act like a digital disrupter.
  • Rethink the entire business, not just the technology.
  • Get inspired outside your industry. Did you know: Ugg boots were created by surfers.
  • Your goal is to create value—for every association.
  • The membership subscription model is over. You need to think about other ways to earn revenue.
  • Collaborate more, collaborate differently. Consider strategic partnerships and mergers.

So it’s with great pleasure that I can finally announce my position as a part of .orgCommunity’s advisory board! With almost two decades of experience working with associations of all sizes—including the National Association of REALTORS, American Medical Association, Rotary, and more—it’s an honor to share my experience with executives and help them utilize emerging technologies and techniques.

I look forward to sharing my expertise with the .orgCommunity while continuing to help our many association clients prepare for their future success.

Sandy Marsico a light skinned female with blonde shoulder length hair wearing a teal top smiling at the camera
Sandy Marsico
Founder & CEO

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