Giving Thanks and Awaiting Stuffing
Three Reasons for Thankfulness:
Thanksgiving is this Thursday, and Hanukkah begins this week as well. It’s a time to be grateful for the goodness of life. To mark this festive time, I asked Sandstormers: “What are 3 things for which you are thankful?”
Interestingly enough, I noticed a number of patterns in the responses. (I’m always looking for patterns anyway). So, here are the many thanks of Sandstorm by the numbers:

A list with icons representing different categories and their corresponding numbers: Family (pets included): 16 Friends: 8 Sandstorm and Colleagues: 7 Health: 6 Food: 5 Drink: 4
We all love our families, friends, and Sandstorm. (No one was bribed to say Sandstorm and co-worker related things.) We also are appreciative of our health. Sandstormers also rank food and drink highly, which depending on the food and drink might actually counter our good health.
I also asked what everyone is most anticipating at Thanksgiving dinner. The most common answer was stuffing followed by the chaos of having a big family get together. (I said pie and expect there are more pie lovers out there.)
As much as I hate cliché (which, might I add, is a terrible way to start a paragraph), Sandstorm is a cornucopia. We’re all different but still belong in the same basket. (Someone please explain the cornucopia basket to me, it seems so inefficient). We all have different backgrounds, but still share the same values (and cravings).
Take some time to think about what is important in your life (at work and at home). For what are you thankful?
As a special holiday bonus, I’ve included everyone’s full responses below. Enjoy!
(In no particular order)
The one thing I am most anticipating at Thanksgiving dinner is eating carbs with no guilt.
I'm thankful for:
- My fellow awesome Sandstormers
- My family
- My health
Having dinner at our new house with my family and new friends.
I'm thankful for:
- My first holiday in our new house
- Healthy family and friends
- Good food and beer
I am most anticipating seeing my family, playing pool with my grandfather & uncles and celebrating my Mom’s birthday. Happy Birthday Mom!
I'm thankful for:
- Friends and Family
- Freedom to make my own decisions
- My fantasy football career success
Anticipating a delicious prepared meal as last years venue was really pretty awful.
I'm thankful for:
- A continuously interesting workplace and colleagues
- Upstairs neighbor that is never home
I'm thankful for:
- Jon [his husband]
- Sandstorm
- comic books
The thing I am most anticipating at Thanksgiving dinner is finding out where Bree’s chosen to order from.
I'm thankful for:
- My Wife and Cats
- My Health
- My Creative Freedom
Emily K.
I'm thankful for:
- Cheese
- Pajamas
- Family
Mike M.
NOISE! Thanksgiving is at the Marsico’s this year! We are a bunch of LOUD Italians! You’re welcome, Sandy. ;)
I'm thankful for:
- My loving family
- Good health
- Mexican food
Chaos. There will be 10 people and 2 dogs, so something is bound to happen!
I'm thankful for:
- Google Hangouts (Here’s proof.)
- Netflix
- Nick and Honey dog
I'm thankful for:
- Family
- Friends
- Football
Sufganiyot, since its Hanukkah
I'm thankful for:
- Coffee
- Sleep
- Mexican beaches
Stuffing. I love it.
I'm thankful for:
- The Internet
- Friends
- Family
Cranberry wine
I'm thankful for:
- My family
- The Clinton family
- Dogs
A full belly
I'm thankful for:
- Old Fashioneds
- Ira Glass
- Airplanes
Emily Y.
Not a joke, my grandma’s homemade ranch dressing.
I'm thankful for:
- Family
- Friends (yes, including coworkers)
- Health
Staying home.
I'm thankful for:
- Air
- Water
- Food
I’m looking forward to seeing all of the family that I haven’t seen since last Thanksgiving.
I'm thankful for:
- Family
- Friends
- Health
Pie… all of the pie.
I'm thankful for:
- Family
- Friends
- Cats