Sandstorm Design has been selected by the Small Business Administration (SBA) to participate in their Emerging 200 (E200) initiative. The purpose of the initiative is to provide 200 nationwide businesses with the network and resources to build a sustainable business and create more jobs. Candidates for the program are emerging small businesses that have a high potential for growth, are headquartered in an inner city and are at least 3 years old.

CEOs from the 200 selected emerging small businesses take part in an 8-month intensive curriculum focused on developing an expansion strategy, and participate in a graduation ceremony upon completion. "The SBA Chicago group is like having our own Board of Directors. Each CEO is bringing a wealth of information to the table, along with experience doing business in a variety of private industries and public sectors. It's an amazing learning and growing experience." principal, Sandy Marsico said regarding her involvement. 

Fourteen cities across the country were selected to participate in the initiative (out of 55 eligible cities), including: Detroit, Milwaukee, Chicago, Atlanta, Denver, Dallas, Philadelphia, Boston, Baltimore, New Orleans, Memphis, Portland, Albuquerque, Jacksonville, and Des Moines.

Why small businesses? According to SBA’s Office of Advocacy, small businesses are the greatest source of new employment in inner cities and account for 80 percent of total employment. The SBA hopes to expand the E200 program in the future to more cities and businesses.

Sandy Marsico a light skinned female with blonde shoulder length hair wearing a teal top smiling at the camera
Sandy Marsico
Founder & CEO

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