UX Design and Web Development for Associations: Improving Member Engagement

A gloved hand taking a surgical tool off of a tray of tools

Today’s associations juggle recruiting and retaining members, boosting event attendance, and promoting and advocating for industry growth. Sandstorm helps associations achieve their website and technology goals through the development of unified website experiences that drive intrinsic value, encourage exploration and meet your member needs. 

How do we know? We've spoken to thousands of association members and would love to hear from yours. 


SVS, largest member organization of vascular surgeons and professionals, looked to modernize its brand experience through a website redesign. They needed to address the user experience and overall usability to ensure surgeons, providers and patients could find the information they’re seeking quickly.


We have partnered for over six years on website design and system integration. Together, we launched a new Drupal 9 website informed by multiple tree tests and refined through Yes, And… design concepts. The website features a personalized navigation based on audience, a scannable mega menu with clear visual hierarchy and a seamless experience with their AMS and across the ecosystem. 

SVS homepage on a mobile device. Text says Choose your expeirence.
A leaf in a glass next to a laptop with the SVS homepage
Personalized navigation allows users to choose their experience.
Two tablets with a patient condition page in view for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
Patient information accessible from any device.
A light-skinned hand touching a tablet displaying a member event page
Modernized event page.
Improvement in task completion
Hermes Gold winner

More Association & Non-Profit Projects

The CCIM Institute

The CCIM Institute wanted to involve users in improving their website, capturing insights to make it work better for everyone. They also aimed to simplify the member experience and encourage engagement for all career stages.

Homepage featuring 3 professionals in a commercial hallway
Diamond slider highlighting education and other association offerings
Mega menu with four columns
Interior page pattern with a checkered pattern of text and images
Find a course page with filters
Food Export

Food Export, a non-profit that helps companies start or expand export sales, partnered with our team to audit their existing brand assets and evolve their digital experience. We developed a new brand platform and identity with refreshed logos, a new tagline, collateral and a streamlined website with a personalized experience. 

Food Export Website Homepage
mobile view of food export homepage
Food Export who we serve web page
Food Export Events web page
National Association of Realtors

National Association of REALTORS has worked with our team for 15+ years, ranging from creative design, ad concepts, social media and digital marketing, newsletter and marketing collateral design, video and web design and Drupal development.

ABR Homepage with a person sitting near a bike and laptop
PSA flyer with headline: Is the price right?
"Today's Buyer's Rep" magazine cover
RSPS brochure case study

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