At Sandstorm, our in-house, senior-level team of web developers have successfully built websites and data-driven web applications that other web development firms said weren't possible. We push technology in new ways, build custom code when necessary, and leverage existing code when it makes the most sense. And in their spare time, our web development team improves on already existing technologies; they contribute to Drupal, develop new interface layers for our clients so administrators have a better experience updating their own sites, and spend hundreds of hours on learning and training to stay in front of the constant changes in web development.

Our web development, usability, and UX design teams work together... every day
Having a close-knit web development team, usability team, and UX design team in-house allows us to develop a synergy that solves problems, encourages creative thinking, and explores new ideas to improve the user experience.

Our agile methodology and SCRUM framework
Sandstorm’s web development process is built on Agile principles and the SCRUM framework. In Agile, a cross-functional team of business stakeholders, designers, and developers work together on a daily basis to define, prioritize, develop, and test key system functionality, releasing complete product features frequently in stages. Utilizing the SCRUM framework, we prioritize and divide the requirements into 2 to 4 week sprints. Our team meets daily to discuss progress and identify risks. At the end of each sprint, the included functionality is considered done and ready for release. Release reviews are conducted with the client throughout the process to gain sign off and feedback.

We like this approach because we can better respond to changing priorities and requirements. It helps our clients more closely manage their budgets and make informed decisions about the value of features and functionality.

Content Management Systems we develop in: Drupal (.php), Kentico (.net), and Wordpress (.php)

Nick Meshes a light skinned mail with black glasses, blonde hair, blonde handle bar mustache and goatee wearing a red and blue plaid shirt smiling at the camera
Nick Meshes
Senior Director of Technology

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