Understand critical factors, trends and relationships affecting your business and how to effectively pivot in order to achieve your business goals. Using your business goals, target metrics, and other drivers defined in our marketing workshop, we determine the appropriate analysis to help you understand what is happening with your business.

For example: Is there a seasonality to purchasing certain products? Is geography related to purchases? Do generational cohorts (e.g., millennials, Gen Xers, etc.) affect my business? Why is this happening? What is the relationship of X & Y? Does X cause Y?

We can help you understand the data available, plan for the analysis and conduct the analysis to help you answer key business questions.

Through statistical analysis and a personalization strategy, we can help connect you with the right audience by delivering the right message through the right channel on the right device at the right time, by offering a customized user experience based on demographics, geography, behavior, context, and other knowledge of the consumer. This ties your business goals and positioning to your online experience, with a roadmap around analytics, optimization, and personalization to maximize conversion rates.


Nick Meshes a light skinned mail with black glasses, blonde hair, blonde handle bar mustache and goatee wearing a red and blue plaid shirt smiling at the camera
Nick Meshes
Senior Director of Technology

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